Unfettered Journey is the story of Joe Denkensmith, an AI scientist who seeks to create true robot consciousness. He leaves everything behind to find answers. But a mysterious woman on a personal mission interrupts his search. Fighting unjust forces, Joe is swept into an evil plot that neither can elude. Their struggles against machines, men, and nature test the resilience of the human spirit.
"It's a captivating and fast-paced futuristic love story ... a future that feels eerily authentic..." - She's Single Magazine
Unfettered Journey Appendices
The rigorous philosophical ideas behind this novel are further examined in an academic book, Unfettered Journey Appendices: Philosophical Explorations on Time, Ontology, and the Nature of Mind. It is available in paperback and is included with the hardbound version of the novel. Go deep into the philosophy.
We all have many journeys. Gary’s began in a small Midwest town, where he could play unfettered in the woods, finding an early love for nature and learning self-reliance. The space program and the night skies hooked him on astronomy. After finishing college, the wide world beckoned, and his fascination with science drew him to California to participate in the booming tech industry. Now he still stares upward, wondering what it all is about.
Let's Talk About the Future
Let’s have a calm conversation about the future we are creating together. We can make it better. Join the conversation by coming to my blog. And find the Media tab for recent podcasts.
Advancing AI after the ChatGPT Moment
Dear friends, Last November 30, 2022, the release of ChatGPT-3 by OpenAI dramatically illuminated the new power of Large Learning Models (LLMs) and deep learning models generally. By January 2023, it had become what was then the fastest-growing consumer software application in history, gaining over 100 million users. A new ‘AI wave’ was launched. Since… Read More »Advancing AI after the ChatGPT Moment
Counting Minor Awards
Dear friends, One other aspect of this writer’s journey is drawing to a close, as the results from the last book award competition (where my book was an entry) was announced. Unfettered Journey was the Winner in the Science Fiction category for the 2023 Book Excellence Awards. I’m pleased that in total, Unfettered Journey has… Read More »Counting Minor Awards
An Eighth Language and Some Wrap-up Thoughts
Dear friends, As my writerly project draws to a close, let me send you a last note about this journey. This weekend, I released Unfettered Journey in Russian, under the title СВОБОДНОЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ. Expect to see it on Ingram (for bookstores), Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and elsewhere soon. Now, after pursuing these last stages of… Read More »An Eighth Language and Some Wrap-up Thoughts
Another Award, Another Language
The week began with good news –Unfettered Journey has won its seventh book award, this one the Independent Press Award, as a winner in the category of Visionary Fiction. You can find the full list of book awards here, as well as the times that the novel has reached an Amazon Bestseller list (including minor… Read More »Another Award, Another Language
Brazilian Portuguese Translation Launch and DRM
We harvested the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from our vineyard this morning, to stay ahead of possible fire weather (as there are concerns about winds here in Napa, sparking fires in the still dry conditions). The season begins to change, and I continue to roll out translations of Unfettered Journey. The Brazilian Portuguese edition, Jornada Sem… Read More »Brazilian Portuguese Translation Launch and DRM
Spanish Launch and Italian Minor Bestseller
As the weather has a hint of fall and the grapes are close to harvest, I continue to roll out translations of Unfettered Journey. The Spanish edition, Un viaje sin confines, launched today. The international acceptance is something of a mystery. This week the Italian edition, Un viaggio senza confini, briefly hit #1 on a… Read More »Spanish Launch and Italian Minor Bestseller