Dear friends,
As my writerly project draws to a close, let me send you a last note about this journey.
This weekend, I released Unfettered Journey in Russian, under the title СВОБОДНОЕ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ. Expect to see it on Ingram (for bookstores), Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and elsewhere soon.
Now, after pursuing these last stages of the project through the pandemic (final editing, book launch, and publishing and marketing a novel worldwide), it is time to move on from both COVID and book marketing. I’ll count a few successes – the book released in eight languages (plus British English), seven book awards, a sometimes appearance on best seller lists in the U.S. and four other countries, and thousands of copies distributed around the world.
Both the writer’s journey and the publishing journey have had steep learning curves. I got to know fellow writers through many writers conferences, which are a great way to deepen practical craft knowledge. It was humbling to work with a fine group of editors to hone the novel. (Your book draft is never as perfect as you imagine.) Another level of understanding about books is gained by writing one. I read everything now with a different eye, knowing “how the sausage is made.” I used my entrepreneurial skills to assemble a small team in several countries who helped edit, translate, design, promote and distribute the book. This is a tough business. For anyone thinking about becoming a writer, my advice is to not quit your day job. But if you love learning new skills, the writing trade is a teacher.
It was tremendous fun to engage with readers through podcasts, online discussions, and in person. I believe that Unfettered Journey contains some important ideas, about navigating our near future in an ever-more technological world, and in finding meaning and purpose in our lives. That is a philosophical and spiritual journey. Most of all, I’ve loved all the reader reviews and comments, and the conversations about these themes. Thank you for all the support!
Thanks for following my journey.

We all have many journeys. Gary’s began in a small Midwest town, where he could play unfettered in the woods, finding an early love for nature and learning self-reliance. The space program and the night skies hooked him on astronomy. After finishing college, the wide world beckoned, and his fascination with science drew him to California to participate in the booming tech industry. Now he still stares upward, wondering what it all is about.