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Journey to 2125 and Unfettered Journey

There are two books in this series. The prequel - Journey to 2125 (just released, September 2024), and Unfettered Journey

Journey to 2125

A family facing our future

a Publishers Weekly Editors' Pick

Unfettered Journey

A literary cross-genre adventure and love story, for the intelligent reader

Unfettered Journey book cover
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Unfettered Journey is the story of Joe Denkensmith, an AI scientist who seeks to create true robot consciousness. He leaves everything behind to find answers. But a mysterious woman on a personal mission interrupts his search. Fighting unjust forces, Joe is swept into an evil plot that neither can elude. Their struggles against machines, men, and nature test the resilience of the human spirit.

"It's a captivating and fast-paced futuristic love story ... a future that feels eerily authentic..."  - She's Single Magazine

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Unfettered Journey on audiobook

Unfettered Journey Appendices

The rigorous philosophical ideas behind this novel are further examined in an academic book, Unfettered Journey Appendices: Philosophical Explorations on Time, Ontology, and the Nature of Mind. It is available in paperback and is included with the hardbound version of the novel. Go deep into the philosophy.

Welcome to my website

We all have many journeys. Gary’s began in a small Midwest town, where he could play unfettered in the woods, finding an early love for nature and learning self-reliance. The space program and the night skies hooked him on astronomy. After finishing college, the wide world beckoned, and his fascination with science drew him to California to participate in the booming tech industry. Now he still stares upward, wondering what it all is about.

Let's Talk About the Future

Let’s have a calm conversation about the future we are creating together. We can make it better. Join the conversation by coming to my blog. And find the Media tab for recent podcasts.

Unfettered Journey-the Audiobook

By Gary F. Bengier | August 9, 2020

I’ve been reviewing the audiotapes for the Unfettered Journey audiobook these last several days. Dryw McArthur, a Shakespearean actor and voice actor from New Zealand, has done a beautiful job, with his mastery of voices. I’m hoping to have the audiobook ready for release together with the novel in paperback and Kindle on Labor Day.… Read More »Unfettered Journey-the Audiobook

More Bee Zen: Work Around the Bee Yard

By Gary F. Bengier | July 26, 2020

And now, let’s all take a deep breath, and try to relax. It’s time for a quick trip to the apiary, and this time, to work around the bee yard. Here are a few moments to spend with the bees.

More Bee Zen: Harvest More Honey Part 2

By Gary F. Bengier | July 19, 2020

And now, let’s all take a deep breath, and try to relax. It’s time for a quick trip to the apiary, and this time, to harvest more honey. Here are a few moments to spend with the bees.

Chasing Eclipses

By Gary F. Bengier | July 18, 2020

“It’s an interesting vacation algorithm.” A fellow eclipse chaser uttered that line as we stood still breathless after watching our first total solar eclipse in 2005. He went on to explain. With our astronomical mastery of celestial mechanics, we can calculate the occurrence of every eclipse as far into the future as we wish. They… Read More »Chasing Eclipses

More Bee Zen: Harvest More Honey Part 1

By Gary F. Bengier | July 12, 2020

And now, let’s all take a deep breath, and try to relax. It’s time for a quick trip to the apiary, and this time, to harvest more honey. Here are a few moments to spend with the bees.

Building a Utopian (or Dystopian) Future

By Gary F. Bengier | July 10, 2020

“So that’s the Combat Dome? It’s bigger than I expected. I didn’t realize there were all these surrounding domes attached to it.” “It’s called that by the mainstream net media, but not by those of us who live here. We call it the Community Dome, or just the Dome.” . . . That excerpt from… Read More »Building a Utopian (or Dystopian) Future