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Blog: Social Justice

Blog theme: Can we bend the arc toward true social justice and equality?

Let's Talk About Social Justice

I believe that humanity is on a (very) long arc toward greater social justice. The definition of that justice changes with the time. Where do we want to be in 140 years? What is that just world that we are creating—or not?

Social Justice

Kent State 50 Years Later: What Have We Learned?

By Gary F. Bengier | May 4, 2020

Today, on the 50th anniversary of the shootings at Kent State, I’ve been thinking about my personal associations with the event. I was in the ninth grade when it happened. I lived in a small town in Ohio 70 miles away, and yet because the news hit the global stage, it felt like it was… Read More »Kent State 50 Years Later: What Have We Learned?

Still Protesting This

By Gary F. Bengier | June 5, 2020

Gary here. Thanks for stopping by. The sign above became popular a few years ago, and has applied to racial injustice, to women’s right to choose, workers’ right to assemble, LGBTQ right to marry who they love. We have witnessed a wrenching week in America, spurred by the horrific images of a man killed by… Read More »Still Protesting This