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Unfettered Journey

A profound, many-layered journey, a deep philosophical adventure.

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For my Tribel friends, for a limited time, I'm giving away - COMPLETELY FREE - an ebook copy of my award-winning novel. I only ask that you read until the "footbridge" scene. (I'm sure you will be hooked.)

“Shades of Huxley and Asimov. Gary F. Bengier has created a science fiction adventure that is reminiscent of the masters.”
- Lee Scott, for the Florida Times-Union

"It is so well-written…excellent storyline…one of those novels that stays with the reader long after the last page is finished."
- The US Review of Books

"Unfettered Journey is a futuristic and philosophical romantic adventure perfect for 2020."
- Bookish Muses

"... an epic expedition into the nature of consciousness, God, Reality, and the minds of Man."
- IndieReader; IR Approved

"The world is as richly imagined as the Bladerunner movie."
- Midwest Book Review

"That ending was jaw dropping. What a ride!"
- The Literary Vixen

"It's a captivating and fast-paced futuristic love story ... a future that feels eerily authentic..."
- She's Single Magazine

"…a very rich read…a fascinating portrayal…so much wisdom…"
- Donna Seebo Show

"Unfettered Journey is in the business of life-changing, really, whether it's teaching us how to love in the face of a world of loneliness and ambiguity [or] reflect on the depths of our soul and maybe just experience all the things that life has to offer us.”
- Books R&B, Vyshnavi, book blogger

Unfettered Journey

A literary cross-genre adventure and love story, for the intelligent reader

Unfettered Journey is an existential adventure for the mind and a lot more besides.”
- Carly Newfeld, The Last Word, KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio

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Looking up in the sky in wonder